
by Nelson Coulter | Sep 16, 2024 | Blog, Thought Leaders

The wisest leaders I know understand that it takes a TEAM to accomplish significant impact. Thus, those leaders are always on the hunt for, and committed to the development of, influencers.

How do they do that?

  1. Find and connect with ’em – Pay attention to the “landscape,” looking for those who not only do good work, but seem to draw it out of others. Get to know them. Talk to them. Listen to them. Learn with and from them. Lean into them. Connect dots with both their personal and professional interests.
  2. Build their capacity – Provide opportunities and access that align with their gifts and talent. Connect them with others in our network. Create mechanisms by which we learn with and from them.
  3. Shape their work – Consistently keep the organizational Vision at the center of our/their attention. Pull and push our Team toward that Vision. De-emphasize or remove elements that impede those efforts. Implement systems that challenge, not threaten, those influencers.
  4. Praise and promote them – Notice, acknowledge, praise, promote, and yes, sometimes “lose” them to their ambitions beyond our organization. Influence is reciprocal in nature.

Influencers can work with or for pretty much anyone of their choosing. So, why would they pick us to work with?

The “jam” of influential leaders is heavily weighted toward influencing the influencers.

“The road goes on forever, and the party never ends…”

*If you’d like to read more of nc’s blatherings, to to nc’s Recursive Learning.

Collegiate Edu-Nation
Nelson Coulter