Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12

What We Do

Collegiate Edu-Nation

Our Method

P-20 Model for 21st Century School Transformation

CEN promotes the P-20 Model for 21st Century School Transformation which focuses on heightened college and career aspirations through continuous educational attainment and industry-related certifications. We believe a mindset of high aspirations and high expectations on those fronts leads naturally to lifetimes of happiness, productivity, and success. We take a comprehensive approach to education, engaging whole communities in an effort that continues from the first day of Pre-K to the launch of a meaningful career.

Our impact reaches students, families, superintendents, teachers, business and communities.

Students and Families

Young people deserve real choices when it comes to where they live and how they work. We prepare students for college and career success, increasing their earning potential and expanding their options. We believe:


All means ALL

EVERY student deserves a life of choice, prosperity, productivity, and self actualization.


Education is a lifelong endeavor

We’re here for our students from the moment they set foot in a Pre-K classroom to the day they graduate from college & launch their careers. Our alumni stay connected to CEN, often mentoring the next generation of students.

Our Special Programs

CEN Texas Regional Pathways Network

CEN is excited to serve as the intermediary in two Texas Regional Pathways Networks.

CEN TWC Youth Robotics Program

In May, CEN received notice of a grant award of $575,000 from the Texas Workforce Commission to help nine schools in the CEN network create or expand a robotics program.


In June, CEN received notice that we would be receiving a grant award in the amount of $402,741 from AmeriCorps to help eleven schools in the CEN network implement our proven model.

CEN Registered Apprenticeship Program

The CEN Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is a combination of On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Related Technical Instruction (RTI) in which the apprentice learns the practice, theoretical aspects and concepts of the occupation.

With your help we can equip and empower young people in rural communities

to build a future with more opportunity, prosperity, and impact.

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