Support of a $500K Grant From the Catalyze Challenge

by digialityteam | Sep 6, 2023 | Blog

With the support of a $500K grant from the Catalyze Challenge,  the program has scaled its P-20 program in the past year to serve nearly 16,000 rural students, across 16 districts statewide.  Students attain a college degree, industry-based certifications, and a work-based learning experience.

One local anecdote of success is the partnership between Hamlin Collegiate High School District, Cisco College, and local HVAC employer Cary Services which is building a robust classroom to career pipeline to meet the community’s workforce needs. CEN sponsors the Registered Apprenticeship Program and recently celebrated Joey Cook, a graduate of the program who is now the first HVAC apprentice.

With more families moving rurally, HVAC contractors are in demand and we’d appreciate the opportunity to work with you on a story so that the community is aware of this opportunity to train and grow the Rural Texas Workforce.
Collegiate Edu-Nation
Collegiate Edu-Nation