Thought Leaders


I admire immensely folks who are skillful at engaging with others. They have the ability to, somehow, make us feel at ease in their presence.  These engagement artisans have numerous "tools" they leverage to make the rest of us feel heard, seen, valued, and respected....


The wisest leaders I know understand that it takes a TEAM to accomplish significant impact. Thus, those leaders are always on the hunt for, and committed to the development of, influencers. How do they do that? Find and connect with 'em - Pay attention to the...


Most organizational leaders have way too much to do. Too much paperwork, too much homework, too much putting out of fires, too much cleaning up of messes, too many meetings, too much "stuff." Often neglected are the powerful one-to-one engagements with folks on the...


Resistors, slow-rollers, blockers all have well-earned reputations. They often bring organizational improvement to a standstill. But not always... All organizations have the Cadre of the Recalcitrant. So, how best do we navigate their resistance? Consider these...


The best leaders I know work double-time to foster trust. They understand that magic occurs when there is a high level of trust among and between members of the organization. Those impactful leaders strive to be exemplars of behaviors that foster trust. Here are some...


The craft and process of betterment seeking is intensely personal. It starts with LEARNING and results in MEchanicing (aka fixing) the things in ourselves we think might "run" a little better. When we're tinkering on ourselves, we LEARN through multiple channels: By...


Of course it is! We fall short of Excellence for two primary reasons: 1) We weren't striving for Excellence in the first place. It's much safer to aim low, stay off the radar, caste blame, not care, give up. 2) We were striving for Excellence, which is a bold, worthy,...


I recently read Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect by Will Guidara (2022). WG is a high-end restauranteur in New York City. He and his team have garnered acclaim both in the U.S. and internationally.  My top...


The best leaders I know are superb at managing energy (their own and that of the organization). Here are some of the daily disciplines they leverage: Relentless focus on the Vision and clarity of direction Continual thinking, dialogue, and action toward improvement...


The best leaders I know, in both personal life and professional, are masterful inquirers. At almost every encounter with members of the team, they find a way to ask questions that keep us focused both on the direction we're heading and the way we are spending our...